
Astronomy activities

Astronomy Evening in Beni Khedach, Governorate of Mednine

Astronomy Evening in Beni Khedach, Governorate of Mednine

Within the framework of its sixth session of the International Bread Festival in the governorate of Mednine, which will occur from June 20th, to June 25th, 2022, the Tunis Science City’s branch of Tataouine, in partnership with Nokha Biladi Association, organizes an astronomy evening in the delegation of Beni Khedach in the governorate of Mednine, on June 21st, 2022 at Naeem Hotel. The programme during this evening includes a scientific lecture entitled “The depths of the sky”, the observation of the stars with a naked eye and the observation of the Moon with planet Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars with telescopes. Open and free access.

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