

Food additives and health

Food additives and health

The Tunis Science City organized on Friday, January 25th, 2019, a lecture entitled “Food additives and health”, which was given by Pr. Nabiha BOUGUERRA BOUZOUITA, Director of the Higher School of Food Industries of Tunis (ESIAT).

Food additives are used in modern nutrition (pasteries, sweets, milk products, prepared food, sauces, ice cream, drinks, etc), and we consume them regularly. Multiple synthetic substances and rarely natural ones are added for technological objectives, marketing or for preserving the quality of food products. Food colouring, sweeteners, food conservators, acidifiers, texturing agent are parts of food additives.

The symbol “E” refers to these additives in labels and packagings and they are not all harmless. That is why some of them are in the heart of polemics.





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