

Native biodiversity

Native biodiversity

The Tunis Science City, in partnership with the UNESCO club, organized a lecture entitled “Native biodiversity”. It was given by Dr. Ahmed Trigui, Researches director and expert consultant in arid olive growing and sustainable development. During this lecture, the lecturer talked about the perpetual evolution of the constant increase in the demand in water and other resources. It is worth to note that erosion and desertification played a role in changing the landscape, in addition to the local agriculture, which undergoes genetic modification under new industrial conditions. However, the new climatic changes have already participated in changing and transforming rapidly the agro-ecosystems, putting in danger some zones and ecosystems that contributed formerly in their development. Landscapes and local practices have always played a role in managing biodiversity, which is threatened by human pressure. Tunisia has always been a pioneer in managing agro diversity and richness of multi-secular alternatives.

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